Pineapple Crochet - Collection


Where do I begin. My first transaction with you was my purchase of Embird - and I have never regretted that purchase - and then I began my collections of "MARIE'S" designs - They are truly the best I have every purchased. My very favorite is the Pineapples. I could be happy just stitching out that 1 design all day every day - it is perfect and amazing just to watch it stitch It is my goal to be able to have every set that you have ever digitized - You are so very helpful to everyone and have offered so much . You give so freely of you knowledge and are so willing to share to everyone.

Thank you Marie for all you do You are a Class Act and there are few that will be able to follow in you steps.

Jeane M aka Delta Donut
Date Added: 05/14/2007 by Jeane aka Delta Donut
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